Aviation Info-Electronics Systems Inc. (IES) developed the WebGIS package to be a generic viewer and handler of geographical information-based data for Environmental applications.The package supports multiple data sources and is customizable to a variety of customer applications by integrating a wide range of functionalities for data handling, processing, rendering and display. The WebGIS package has the capabilities to be set up as a Decision Support System for applications such as hydro-met events monitoring, disaster management, weather aviation assistance, etc. It is an application with a three-tier client / server architecture (three levels) with the presentation layer (first level) completely web-based. The end user just needs an Internet browser to access the full functionality of the application. The workstation does not require the installation of any proprietary programs and operates directly on the processing layers (second level) and the data layer (third level) on the servers. WAFS-WebGIS WAFS-WebGIS is based on the WebGIS package, a generic viewer and handler of geographical information-based data for Environmental applications. The package has the capabilities to be set up as a Decision Support System for weather aviation assistance. WAFS-WebGIS has been assessed by the UK-Met SADIS authority, which has certified its passing and full compliance to the criteria set forth in the fourth round of the SADIS FTP workstation software evaluations. Met-WebGIS Met-WebGIS, a customized variation of our WebGIS package, is a generic tool for viewing and manipulating geographic information-based data for environmental applications. The package supports multiple data sources and can be customized for a variety of client applications by integrating a wide range of features for data ingest and management, processing, rendering and display. Met-WebGIS is the package configuration that incorporates the functionality and data required for a meteorological data integration and processing system as required in this project. 3DGlobe-WebGIS IES has also developed a module that displays the data on the Globe, with free zoom, tilt and rotation by the user to have the desired area of interest and zoom. This module allows the animation of GRIB winds and supports the overlay of other meteorological parameters in point values, isolines and isosurfaces.